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How to Win 2024 Elections

To WIN 2024 Elections: Conservatives must inform and gain support from all Voters and they must encourage outstanding Candidates at all levels (National, State, County, City) to take the risk and get involved. Recruiting Candidates for 2026 and 2028 is critical. Conservatives must believe and act like most Americans are non-woke and value Family, Freedom,  Full Article…

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Conservatives Need Tools To Win

ActBlue.Com may be enabling money laundering for Democrat and Progressive American Elections which can swing results. However, the most important thing ActBlue contributes is enabling democrat and progressive candidates and issues to easily get a website and emailing templates, collect money without a merchant account, and collect data for FEC and State Election Reporting. This  Full Article…


Independence Day 2022 Is The New 1776

America was founded as a Constitutional Republic with a defined role for our Federal and State Governments (including the Rule of Law), and a defined Citizen’s individual Bill of Rights. Our Independence is being overrun by Politicians, Bureaucrats and Evil Cohorts who prefer Socialism or Communism run by an Oligarchy of Elites. They do not  Full Article…


2000 Mules

2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza Link to Download Movie: Click Here to Download 2000 Mules Movie. Note: No Rights Claimed to Movie. Link made available as Public Service.


We Have Some Freedom To Restore

American (and Global) Liberty, Freedom and Justice is being threatened by an “Oligarchy of Elites” imposing Fascist/Marxist government control hiding behind a Covid-Hoax. Conservative “experts” and political pundits have outlined almost every related issue or problem (usually without a proposed solution). Even when Conservatives understand what is going on some continually dwell on “who is  Full Article…

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Child Vaccination Is Mid-Term Election Issue

On March 4, 2020, California (Population 40 million) was the first US State to declare a Covid-19 lock-down. Reported Covid-19 Cases at that time: 3,000 World; 129 USA; 53 California. There were only a few deaths of high-health-risk patients. 42 other US States declared lock-downs after California. The resulting lockdowns, masks and social distancing destroyed  Full Article…


Trump 2020 Arizona Election Fraud Audit

Trump lost the Arizona 2020 Election by 10,457 votes statewide. The $5.71 Million Arizona Senate Maricopa County 2020 Final Election Audit Report was issued September 24, 2021. The Audit identified 50,000 to 75,000 ballots that appeared to be fraudulent in the County where Phoenix and the State Capitol is located. Additional suspect ballots have been  Full Article…

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American 2022-2024 Election Strategy

1. Wrap-Up Election Fraud Investigations as soon as we know what was done in each State to prevent the same in future elections. Once we get Arizona documented, immediately begin the process of making Arizona change their fraudulent election procedures. Similarly, other States should make any needed changes to conduct honest-elections. 2. When enough fraudulent  Full Article…

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American Marxism

The Biden “Oligarchy of Elites” is boldly implementing American Marxism following Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” Playbook: Lie, Obfuscate and Deflect from Truth (embrace MainStreamMedia and BigTech), Create Panic and Discord (Climate, Covid Pandemic, Domestic Terrorism, ??), Control the Economy (energy, health care, food, employment, woke businesses), Tear Down American History and Religion, Destroy the  Full Article…

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