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How to Win 2024 Elections

To WIN 2024 Elections: Conservatives must inform and gain support from all Voters and they must encourage outstanding Candidates at all levels (National, State, County, City) to take the risk and get involved. Recruiting Candidates for 2026 and 2028 is critical. Conservatives must believe and act like most Americans are non-woke and value Family, Freedom,  Full Article…


Illegal Immigration Must Stop Now

Top | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands | Português Brasileiro NYC Mayor Eric Adam’s was forthright and honest to say immigrants who were rioting and fighting with NYC immigrant facility security were stressed out because they were locked up in NYC and had no Jobs. What he didn’t address was why they were there? Most  Full Article…

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Stopping The Advance of Left-Wing Radicalism

To stop the advance of left-wing radicalism will require more than winning elections and changing laws; it will require deep cultural and institutional change, led by a community of people who are ready to fight for their ideals, and who command power … Christopher F. Rufo, Sasha Ivanov Link to Christopher F. Rufo Reference Article:  Full Article…

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2024 American Credo Suggestions

2024 AMERICAN CREDO SUGGESTIONS: Americans will reclaim our government to enforce our Constitution; allow free speech; remove bureaucracy; protect family, faith and community; restore the Nation’s founding principle of citizen rule; and, restore dignity, traditions and mastery over our lives. Americans will control and manage our federal bureaucracy, including banning the “diversity, equity, and inclusion”  Full Article…

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Jason Aldean Song Is Important

Jason Aldean Song “Try That In A Small Town” is Waking Up American’s All American Patriots know things are not right in our Country and we must start paying attention and peacefully make major changes in 2024. Video Source: Unknown (No Rights Claimed)


Tucker Carlson Turning Point Recap

Tucker Carlson Turning Point Conference Recap: Covid was Hoax, 2020 Election was Stolen, Jan6 was Not Insurrection American Democracy, Free Speech, Honesty and Heritage is Under Attack and Crime is Rampant Americans are Not Standing Up for Their Interests (way of life, values, traditions) DEM Government Propaganda and Issue Redirection is the Normal DEM’s Raise  Full Article…

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Ukraine War Must Be Stopped

“Ukraine on Fire” film was released in 2016 by Oliver Stone about the “2014 Revolution in Ukraine”. The Film is very relevant to the 2022 and 2023 conflict between Ukraine and Russia still raging today. A central premise is that the United States led the effort in 2014 to overthrow the existing Ukrainian Government and  Full Article…


Fight The Climate Change Hoax

The Global Oligarchy of Elites are now prioritizing Climate Change to create fear, and to continue their Covid-Hoax-enabled control and Freedom restrictions. The simple truth is: 1) Earth is not currently getting warmer due to things mankind is doing. The average global surface temperature and sea level has not changed significantly for 8,000 years (including  Full Article…


It Really Is A Jungle Out There

Top | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands | Português Brasileiro | Mexicano | In this woke world we must never forget “it really is a jungle out there” and we must support each other to survive and win. American Revolution 2.0 begins November 5, 2024. Stand United, Be Strong, Never Give Up. Video Credit: BBC  Full Article…

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