Australia Is On The Edge

Wakey-Wakey Everyone.

Australians are protesting in large numbers and conducting strikes because the Australian Government has imposed severe lockdowns and vaccination mandates, repressed freedom, is putting unvaccinated in “Concentration Camps”, and is administering Covid vaccinations by force (starting with their Indigenous Community in the Northern Territory). This is modern-day Totalitarianism and pure Marxism as part of the New World Order (NWO). Local law enforcement and the military seem to be backing the Government, so far, using force against unarmed citizens, although hundreds of thousands of brave Australians marched in Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast and elsewhere the weekend of November 27.

We can help Australia by Donating, giving their Freedom our support, and taking care of our own government Covid-19 Hoax Vaccination Overreach and Marxist Initiatives. View this 8 minute Video by Australia One Party Leader Riccardo Bosi to understand how similar Australia’s situation is to all our situations:

In addition to some Australian Military training to force Covid Vaccinations on Australian Citizens, as unbelievable as it seems, some Australian Military have been trained to shoot targets from moving vehicles. View this brief Video by Riccardo Bosi (former Commander of Australian Army Special Forces) regarding the Military Covid-related Training:

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  1. 2021 Conservative Article Reference List Archives | Fatherly Advice and Rants - December 2, 2021

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  2. November 2021 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants - November 25, 2021

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