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Tag Archives: mandates

Global Freedom Action Plan

Top | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands | Português Brasileiro | Mexicano | Русский | The global effort has started to prevent governments from restricting freedom and controlling lives. In addition to replacing all culpable leaders, politicians and bureaucrats; rapid and effective steps must be taken, including: Restore the “doctor-patient relationship” as the primary human  Full Article…


We Must Save America Now

America can’t wait 3-years to be “saved” until a new President is inaugurated in January,2025. By then the Biden Oligarchy of Elites (working with their many domestic and Global cohorts) will have solidified their Fascist/Marxist Control of America. Winning big in 2022 will not prevent bad things from happening. They have formidable federal and blue  Full Article…


Jan 6, 2022 Freedom Mandate

The Biden Oligarchy of Elites actions and pronouncements on Jan 6, 2022 mandates Americans take action to save and restore American Freedom. Let’s join together and get busy! Push-back on the Covid-Hoax by legal action, protests, and boycotts. Demand early Covid treatment using the Therapeutics that have been available since they started the “Pandemic”. Reject  Full Article…


Australia Is On The Edge

Wakey-Wakey Everyone. Australians are protesting in large numbers and conducting strikes because the Australian Government has imposed severe lockdowns and vaccination mandates, repressed freedom, is putting unvaccinated in “Concentration Camps”, and is administering Covid vaccinations by force (starting with their Indigenous Community in the Northern Territory). This is modern-day Totalitarianism and pure Marxism as part  Full Article…


K-12 Mask Mandates Are Wrong

To control Covid-19 in schools, the government is making masks MANDATORY and requiring Remote Learning if masks are not worn. Masks don’t work (they may block 4 microns, but Covid is 1 micron) and should be at least OPTIONAL to be fair to the majority of K-12 Youth who are not “at-risk”. This allows others  Full Article…

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