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Global Freedom War Has Started

Top | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands | Português Brasileiro | Mexicano | Русский | The “Defeat The Mandates” protest march in Washington DC (and elsewhere) on Jan 23, 2022 was supported by over 17,000 medical doctors. Speakers at the event were many of the world’s foremost experts on Covid-19, including the inventor of the  Full Article…


Global Freedom Action Plan

Top | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands | Português Brasileiro | Mexicano | Русский | The global effort has started to prevent governments from restricting freedom and controlling lives. In addition to replacing all culpable leaders, politicians and bureaucrats; rapid and effective steps must be taken, including: Restore the “doctor-patient relationship” as the primary human  Full Article…


Covid-19 Health Facts

Top | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands | Português Brasileiro | Mexicano | Русский | CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE FORCED TO VAX Negligible clinical risks from Covid-19 infection exist for healthy children under eighteen and natural immunity works best and promotes herd immunity for children. Children have 0% statistical probability of Covid-19 death and very  Full Article…


We Must Save America Now

America can’t wait 3-years to be “saved” until a new President is inaugurated in January,2025. By then the Biden Oligarchy of Elites (working with their many domestic and Global cohorts) will have solidified their Fascist/Marxist Control of America. Winning big in 2022 will not prevent bad things from happening. They have formidable federal and blue  Full Article…


Jan 6, 2022 Freedom Mandate

The Biden Oligarchy of Elites actions and pronouncements on Jan 6, 2022 mandates Americans take action to save and restore American Freedom. Let’s join together and get busy! Push-back on the Covid-Hoax by legal action, protests, and boycotts. Demand early Covid treatment using the Therapeutics that have been available since they started the “Pandemic”. Reject  Full Article…


2000 Mules

2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza Link to Download Movie: Click Here to Download 2000 Mules Movie. Note: No Rights Claimed to Movie. Link made available as Public Service.


Canada Freedom Convoy

Top | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands | Português Brasileiro | Mexicano | Русский | The Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 by all objective measures succeeded, and it was a catalyst for the world to take notice and get busy. There was some negative “propaganda” that was all lies. We monitored very closely… and we are  Full Article…


We Have Some Freedom To Restore

American (and Global) Liberty, Freedom and Justice is being threatened by an “Oligarchy of Elites” imposing Fascist/Marxist government control hiding behind a Covid-Hoax. Conservative “experts” and political pundits have outlined almost every related issue or problem (usually without a proposed solution). Even when Conservatives understand what is going on some continually dwell on “who is  Full Article…

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Spartacus Covid-19 Whistleblower Claims

The following Covid-19 Claims were made by an Anonymous “Whistleblower” using the name Spartacus on September 26, 2021. They have been edited and summarized for presentation and have not been validated. The full, original content may be viewed using the Spartacus Letter PDF Download Link Medical Claims (M): M1) COVID-19 is not a viral pneumonia,  Full Article…

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Peaceful Freedom Fighter Guide

Top | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands | Português Brasileiro | Mexicano | Русский | The rising level of Global Restricted Freedom and Government Control based on the “Covid Hoax” can be stopped peacefully if you are smart, strong and stand together. What should you do to take your Country back: (v6–2021Dec30) 1) Recognize “Global  Full Article…