Covid Vaccines Spread Covid

The current Covid-19 Vaccines only work for a few months and some remove natural immunity. As a result, those vaccinated can become infected multiple times with break through infections and they become super spreaders who infect others. This is why Covid cases and deaths spike as the percentage of those vaccinated increases.

If the vaccines removing natural immunity are to be administered, the proper vaccination policy is to only vaccinate high-risk populations (elderly, comorbidity, immune compromised) to allow other healthy people to become infected and achieve herd immunity. These vaccinations should be a choice since there have been adverse health reactions and even deaths caused by the vaccines, and other non-vaccine Covid treatment protocols are readily available. Youth should not be exposed to these vaccines.

Safe, inexpensive, effective, at home Covid-19 treatment protocols that will cure Covid in less than 7-days have been available since early-2020 (e.g. ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine). These therapeutics have been ignored and suppressed by government, main stream media and big tech. If they had been recognized and made available 18-months ago, millions of lives would have been saved. The Indian State of Uttar Pradesh (241 million citizens) used Ivermectin to reduce Covid cases and deaths by 98.7%. They handed out Treatment Kits to everyone that cost less than $10 USD.

Note:The Global Covid Pandemic is a Hoax being perpetrated to allow governments to control their populations. For more details, please review: Fauci and NIH Covid Pandemic Corruption Exposed

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  1. 2021 Conservative Article Reference List Archives | Fatherly Advice and Rants - November 2, 2021

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  2. October 2021 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants - October 22, 2021

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