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Independence Day 2022 Is The New 1776

America was founded as a Constitutional Republic with a defined role for our Federal and State Governments (including the Rule of Law), and a defined Citizen’s individual Bill of Rights. Our Independence is being overrun by Politicians, Bureaucrats and Evil Cohorts who prefer Socialism or Communism run by an Oligarchy of Elites. They do not  Full Article…


We Have Some Freedom To Restore

American (and Global) Liberty, Freedom and Justice is being threatened by an “Oligarchy of Elites” imposing Fascist/Marxist government control hiding behind a Covid-Hoax. Conservative “experts” and political pundits have outlined almost every related issue or problem (usually without a proposed solution). Even when Conservatives understand what is going on some continually dwell on “who is  Full Article…

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Federal Ownership of Assets

America’s “Framers” only expected the Federal Government to own land for “the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings” under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the US Constitution. They never expected the Federal Government to own significant amounts of real-estate property in all States or to hold extensive land ownership and control  Full Article…

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American Marxism

The Biden “Oligarchy of Elites” is boldly implementing American Marxism following Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” Playbook: Lie, Obfuscate and Deflect from Truth (embrace MainStreamMedia and BigTech), Create Panic and Discord (Climate, Covid Pandemic, Domestic Terrorism, ??), Control the Economy (energy, health care, food, employment, woke businesses), Tear Down American History and Religion, Destroy the  Full Article…

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What is Federalism and State Rights

The USA was founded using the concept of Federalism whereby the National, State and Local governments would share governing power and each would have territorial powers and responsibilities. The primary Federal responsibility was National Defense … protecting the citizens from foreign aggression (e.g. the British at that time). The US President was the “Commander in  Full Article…

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What Is The Electoral College

The Electoral College was included in Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the US Constitution to Elect the US President. There is also a Popular Vote but the Electoral College vote determines who will be the President. The Electoral College is comprised of the same number of Electors as currently exist in the US  Full Article…

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Federal Public Land Holdings

In 2021 the Federal Government controlled 27.4% of America Public Land (623.3 million acres out of 2.3 billion acres). Federal Public Land Holdings include: 4.63% of the 13 Colonies (9.3 million acres); 4.4% of the States added in the next 50-years (16.3 million acres); but 51.6% of 12 Western States (577 million acres out of  Full Article…

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What Is A Convention of States (COS)

When the Founders finalized the US Constitution they included in Article V the means to Amend the US Constitution to make improvements and to address future needs… a Convention of States (COS). COS Delegates must meet (convene) to prepare the Amendment language which would then need to be approved (ratified) before becoming part of the  Full Article…

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