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Intact Families Helped Make America Great

Two parent families have made a big difference in American upward mobility economically. Since the 1960’s: Black children living in intact families are likely to experience: 60% more college graduation, 3 times less poverty, and 2 times less incarceration (according to Dr. Brad Wilcox in an American Cornerstone Institute WebCon). Some Blacks have experienced greater  Full Article…

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Creeping Communism Warning From 1948

I was just a kid when I first saw this in the 1950s. Please watch the full 9-minute cartoon carefully and count the number of things that have come to pass since then. Note: The cartoon was made in 1948 by John Sutherland for Harding College and was likely funded by either the CIA (which  Full Article…

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What Is Woke Capitalism

“Woke Capitalism” is a term describing overt actions and initiatives taken by Corporations and Business Leaders supporting Social and Cultural Issues and Objectives. Recent examples are Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines boycott’s because of the enactment of new Georgia Voting Laws and their verbal and financial support of Black Lives Matter(BLM). What Influences Woke Capitalism? The  Full Article…

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Critical Race Theory Video

Christopher Rufo has taken the lead with his reporting on Critical Race Theory. On June 14, 2021 Rufo posted the introductory video below on YouTube. It is the most comprehensive thing I have seen on the topic. He writes: The debate about critical race theory is coming to a peak this week, with coverage in  Full Article…

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What is Communism

Communism is a form of Socialism based on common ownership of business by the State (or Collective), with no social classes and no representative government. The Government (State) is authoritarian in nature and the people have no freedom of speech and very limited rights. In Communism, the State manages the economy and the population top-down,  Full Article…

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