India Must Help Cure Global Covid

Uttar Pradesh State (population 241 million) reduced Covid deaths and cases by 98.7%. According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) for the Government of India, as of December 18, 2021 Uttar Pradesh has 22,913 cumulative Covid deaths and 164 active Covid Cases.

As the world’s largest democracy of 1.4 billion people, India has the compassion, smarts, manufacturing ability, moral fiber, and responsibility to help apply their success in curing Covid to the World. They can package and make available to all interested people the Covid-19 treatment protocol that was so successful for them.

Each Uttar Pradesh “Covid-19 Home Treatment Kit” (estimated cost $3USD) contained the following: Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets]. Other non-medication components included face masks, sanitizer, gloves and alcohol wipes, a digital thermometer, and a pulse oximeter. All of the drug components are deemed extremely safe in proper dosages and are approved for use by WHO and the CDC.

The comparable cost of provided India’s Covid-19 Home Treatment Kits globally for 8 billion people would be $24 billion USD ($48 billion USD with a 100% mark-up). Two kits each person would cost $96 billion (more kits are needed since some vaccinated without natural immunity may get re-infected).

Note: America (population 330 million) as of December 17, 2021 has 801,243 cumulative Covid-19 deaths (per CDC). The American active Covid case count is not reported.

WHO Uttar Pradesh Story PDF (No mention of Ivermectin)

Ivermectin Cures Covid PDF- Dr Pierre Kory

Ivermectin Cures Covid Post

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  1. Everything You Need To Know About Covid | Fatherly Advice and Rants - January 5, 2022

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    […] India Must Help Cure Global Covid – Be sure to click on the Dr. Pierre Kory link at the bottom… […]

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    […] India Must Help Cure Global Covid – Be sure to click on the Dr. Pierre Kory link at the bottom… […]