The Biden “Oligarchy of Elites” continue to implement American Marxism using our Covid-19 Fears to dominate American Society. We must win 2022 and 2024 Elections at all levels, and push-back when they run their Playbook which includes: Lie, Obfuscate and Deflect from Truth using Main Stream Media, Big Pharma and Big Tech, Create Panic and Full Article…
Marxist Manifesto (Circa 1850)
MARXIST MANIFESTO (Circa 1850) 1. The whole Country shall be declared a single and indivisible Republic. 2. All People, having reached the age of 21, shall have the right to vote and to be elected, provided they have not been convicted of a criminal offense. 3. Representatives of the people shall receive payment so that Full Article…
American Marxism
The Biden “Oligarchy of Elites” is boldly implementing American Marxism following Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” Playbook: Lie, Obfuscate and Deflect from Truth (embrace MainStreamMedia and BigTech), Create Panic and Discord (Climate, Covid Pandemic, Domestic Terrorism, ??), Control the Economy (energy, health care, food, employment, woke businesses), Tear Down American History and Religion, Destroy the Full Article…
School Board Equity Policies
Many American Local School Boards began adopting a common policy of “Equity” by 2018. The wording and definition of “Equity” is identical for Local and State Boards in many States. It is not clear how a Local School Board implements their Equity Policy. This is an excerpt from the current California School Board Association (CSBA) Full Article…
What is Communism
Communism is a form of Socialism based on common ownership of business by the State (or Collective), with no social classes and no representative government. The Government (State) is authoritarian in nature and the people have no freedom of speech and very limited rights. In Communism, the State manages the economy and the population top-down, Full Article…