It’s only fitting on July 4th that we give some credit to George Washington who had all the qualities we need in our Presidents. This excellent video narrated by John Rhodehamel made by PragerU was on YouTube. Please Click the Video Link below to view the 5 minute presentation. KEEP AMERICA GREAT
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Creeping Communism Warning From 1948
I was just a kid when I first saw this in the 1950s. Please watch the full 9-minute cartoon carefully and count the number of things that have come to pass since then. Note: The cartoon was made in 1948 by John Sutherland for Harding College and was likely funded by either the CIA (which Full Article…
Racial Equity vs. Racial Equality
Historically, America has worked hard to enforce Civil Rights by promoting “racial equality” and denouncing racial discrimination. These past efforts are now being replaced by the concept of “racial equity” which dictates that some races are more deserving than others and advocating Critical Race Theory (CRT). Democrat politicians and unelected bureaucrats at all levels of Full Article…
What is Federalism and State Rights
The USA was founded using the concept of Federalism whereby the National, State and Local governments would share governing power and each would have territorial powers and responsibilities. The primary Federal responsibility was National Defense … protecting the citizens from foreign aggression (e.g. the British at that time). The US President was the “Commander in Full Article…
Why Are Term Limits Important
In 2022 more than 50% of the current US Senate and 25% of the current US Congress would be prevented from running if a 12-year Cumulative Elected Federal Service Term Limit existed. 20% of US Senators have lengthy service records. 8 US Senators have served between 6 and 8 terms, 4 between 4 and 5 Full Article…
Why Is Rule Of Law Important
As discussed in What Is Our Rule Of Law, we gain equality of all citizens before the law, secure a nonarbitrary form of government, and prevent the arbitrary use of power by following a Rule of Law. As American Citizens we must continually be aware of changes or lapses in Our Rule of Law. Since Full Article…
What Is Rule Of Law
A “Rule of Law” is commonly defined as: the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power. The First 10 Amendments of the US Constitution (known as the “Bill of Rights”) provides Full Article…
Why Are Mail-In Ballots Important
In recent Federal Elections, Democrats have supported widespread availability of Mail-In Ballots to make it easier for people to vote. Republican’s feel widespread use of Mail-In Ballots compromises Election Integrity. They feel the majority of votes should be cast in person at polling locations using Voter ID. The difficulty in authenticating Mail-In Ballots also is Full Article…
Why Is Voter ID Important
Article One of the US Constitution makes voting in Federal Elections a right and a privilege for all US Citizens. Under the Constitution each State is responsible for Federal Elections for their Citizens. A number of State and Federal Laws exist to define and manage voter rights, voter registration, and the voting process; including several Full Article…
Why Is Critical Race Theory Important
Encyclopedia Britannica Definition: Its developers believe Critical Race Theory (CRT) is important because it potentially provides a more realistic understanding of white racism in the U.S. as not merely a set of negative attitudes toward other racial groups but also a body of law and legal practices whose real-world effect is the oppression of people Full Article…