Increased Covid Hospitalizations Must Be Explained

Being hospitalized for any illness is very concerning to patients and their families and cannot be taken lightly. All Americans need to understand our current Covid Status to determine where things are and what we believe needs to be done.
Government must immediately provide answers to the following questions:

1) What new Covid-19 cases and new deaths were reported by vaccination status, vaccine administered, and whether a vaccine contributed to the death. This reporting should be by vaccine and according to patient demographics (e.g. age); comorbidities; and primary death cause (e.g. only-covid, drug overdose, injury, suicide, homicide, cancer, heart, etc.).
2) What new Covid cases and new Covid hospitalizations testing was done and are the tests scientifically proven (peer reviewed) to find Covid vs. Influenza. Can the tests detect Delta variant?
3) Who determined new Covid cases existed and new Covid hospitalizations were necessary? Why? What is the Prognosis?
4) Were any low cost, easy to administer, proven therapeutics administered before or during hospitalization (e.g. Vitamin D3, Zinc, Ivermectin, chloroquine, Zithromax, and convalescent blood plasma )?
Video: Dr. Daniel Wayne Stock CSP-Physician Indiana Lic: 010377358
6-minute Speech to Indiana School Board August 6, 2021

Ivermectin PDF

CDC Shielding PDF

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