Honest National Elections

Issues: Fake-Voters, Fake-Ballots, Fake-Counting

Variables: New Voting Laws, Riots/Lockdowns Delaying Voting or Increasing Mail-In Ballots, Corrupt Politicians/Election Officials, Election Postponement


In-Person Voting: Accurate Voter Registration Files By State, Local Election Monitoring of In-Person Voting Based on Signature/Voter ID, Paper Ballots Counted With Audit Trails, Limited Absentee Voting Mail-In Processed By State.

Limited Mail-In Voting:
Note: To Promote Honest Elections Mail-In Ballots Must Be Processed at State Level.

Mail-In Voting Rules

  1. Any Mail-In Ballots Must Be Processed by State Election Officials (Not Locally By Counties);
  2. The Counties Will Manage In-Person Voting (Although That Could Be Taken Over By The State);
  3. No Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Allowed;
  4. Mail-In Ballots May Be Requested 60-Days Before Election Day;
  5. Mail-In Ballots Must Be Requested At Least 10 Days Before Election Day;
  6. Mail-In Ballots Must Be Received By 7 PM On Election Day;
  7. States May Begin Counting Mail-In Ballots Anytime Before Election Day;
  8. State Voter Call Centers Will Assist Voters Having Problems With Mail-In Ballots.

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