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Fauci and NIH Covid Pandemic Corruption Exposed

Anthony Fauci, and some members of: the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and many others should be arrested and tried for murder based on their actions (or non-actions) associated with the Global Covid-19 Pandemic. WHY? 1)  Full Article…


We Need Non-Vaccine Covid-19 Treatments

A number of non-vaccine, safe, low-cost, in-home treatments are proven to significantly reduce Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths. India’s Uttar Pradesh State Government (241 million citizens living in high-population density) administered Ivermectin/Doxycycline and cases dropped 97% (current active cases are 1,923). Ivermectin use in other Indian States had significant case reductions: Delhi, Uttarakhand, and Goa cases  Full Article…

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Home Treatment Plan For Covid-19

The following “Zelenko Protocol” has been used successfully by thousands of patients for their “at home” treatment. Start treating ASAP. Provide supportive care with fluids, fever control, and rest. Low Risk Patient (LRP) – Younger than 45, no co-morbidities, and clinically stable (over the counter options): LRP-1. Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for  Full Article…


American CDC Green Zones Similar To Australian WellCamp’s

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July, 2020 prepared Shielding Approach Plans to control and manage American’s for Covid-19 purposes. These Plans included the involuntary commitment of American High-Risk Adults and Children (elderly, comorbidity, immunocompromised) in special CDC Facilities (including Camps) that prevented any contact with their family members while in the  Full Article…

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