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California Can Vote Republican in 2024

To WIN California 2024 Elections, Conservatives must inform and gain support from all Voters and we must encourage outstanding Candidates at all levels (National, State, County, City) to take the risk and get involved. Conservatives must recognize that most Californians are non-woke and value Family, Freedom, Equality, Education, Economic Success, Personal Safety and Religion. Conservatives  Full Article…

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California Colleges Woke and Suppress Free Speech

Turning Point USA Charlie Kirk University of California Davis Mar 14, 2023 speech had antifa riots and his Stanford-like shunning is mirror of today’s colleges. UC Davis Chancellor May pronouncement before speech was a lie about Kirk wanting to kill transgenders and set standard of “monitoring” Kirk instead of following the stated UCD Hate Free  Full Article…

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California Covid Pandemic Third Anniversary

March 11, 2023 is the third anniversary of the #WHO declaration of #CovidPandemic used by #California to start #American #Covid #lockdowns and #mandates. Watch and “Sing-Along” with the TV Video from California Department of #PublicHealth to “Make Covid Suck Less”.

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AB659 Mandates HPV VAX In California Schools

CA AB659, if passed, will require the Human Papillomavirus (#HPV) vaccine to attend #California 8-12 grade in public or private school, starting January 1 2024. There are currently no exemptions. This will require 2 or 3 injections per child depending on age. Since many parents believe these vaccinations should be by choice not mandated by  Full Article…

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California Dreaming

California 2022 Election would have resulted in a Conservative Governor and Assembly if 75% of Republicans and 50% of “American Independent” and 50% of “No Party Pref” showed up and voted Conservative. Let’s see what we can do with recalls and US Senate Elections? (e.g. gascon and schiff) Following is the Model showing Forecasted Conservative  Full Article…

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California Considering Paying Reparations

California reparations justification is built on false slavery premises and theories. The California Reparations Task Force, a nine-member panel appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom, has been busy preparing a recommendation that all Blacks who are long-term residents of California should be paid reparations. Possible payment amounts have ranged from $223,000 to $millions for each person.  Full Article…

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California Climate Plans 2023

California’s Air Resources Board on December 15,2022 unanimously approved a sweeping State Plan to battle climate change, creating a new blueprint for the next five years to cut carbon emissions, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and speed up the transition to renewable energy. Their Plan could serve as a roadmap for other states and countries  Full Article…

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California Legalizes Abortion

Proposition 1, titled Constitutional Right to Reproductive Freedom was passed by more than two-thirds of the California 2022 General Election Voters to explicitly grant the right to an abortion and contraceptives, making California among the first states in the nation to do so with Michigan and Vermont. Only one-half of California Registered Voters cast ballots,  Full Article…

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