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California Legalizes Abortion

Proposition 1, titled Constitutional Right to Reproductive Freedom was passed by more than two-thirds of the California 2022 General Election Voters to explicitly grant the right to an abortion and contraceptives, making California among the first states in the nation to do so with Michigan and Vermont. Only one-half of California Registered Voters cast ballots,  Full Article…

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California Constitution is Special

The first California Constitution was drafted in 1849 and was revised until approval in 1879. At 75,000 words it was originally the biggest Constitution of all State’s, except Louisiana. Between 1911 and 1986 it was revised over 500 times. From 1964 to 1976, 40,000 words were removed, so today there are 35,000 words. There are  Full Article…

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Covid VAX Considerations

Actual experience has shown Covid-19 is not a deadly disease, it is similar to Influenza. Only the health-compromised and elderly are at risk. Using available treatment therapeutics would have saved millions of lives globally. All current Covid-19 vaccines do more harm than good and their risks exceed their benefits. They do not work for prevention,  Full Article…

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What is Federalism and State Rights

The USA was founded using the concept of Federalism whereby the National, State and Local governments would share governing power and each would have territorial powers and responsibilities. The primary Federal responsibility was National Defense … protecting the citizens from foreign aggression (e.g. the British at that time). The US President was the “Commander in  Full Article…

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Federal Ownership of Property

America’s “Framers” only expected the Federal Government to own land for “the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings” under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the US Constitution. They never expected the Federal Government to own significant amounts of real-estate property in all States or to hold extensive land ownership and control  Full Article…

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What Is A Convention of States (COS)

When the Founders finalized the US Constitution they included in Article V the means to Amend the US Constitution to make improvements and to address future needs. COS Delegates must meet (convene) to prepare the Amendment language which would then need to be approved (ratified) before becoming part of the US Constitution. In order to  Full Article…

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