In 2022 more than 50% of the current US Senate and 25% of the current US Congress would be prevented from running if a 12-year Cumulative Elected Federal Service Term Limit existed. 20% of US Senators have lengthy service records. 8 US Senators have served between 6 and 8 terms, 4 between 4 and 5 terms and 8 between 3 and 4 terms. US Senator limitations would increase if prior US House Service is included in the Term Limits.
Currently, the US Senate is 50% age 65+ (with 27% age 70+); and the US Congress has 130 Members age 65+ (with 83 Members age 70+). The oldest US Senator is 87 and the oldest US Congress Member is 85.
Many Americans support Federal Elector term limits to promote “citizen legislators” who do not become career politicians.
Since many current legislators will win re-election in 2022 their ages will be greater in 2024.
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