The USA was founded using the concept of Federalism whereby the National, State and Local governments would share governing power and each would have territorial powers and responsibilities. The primary Federal responsibility was National Defense … protecting the citizens from foreign aggression (e.g. the British at that time). The US President was the “Commander in Full Article…
Why Are Term Limits Important
In 2022 more than 50% of the current US Senate and 25% of the current US Congress would be prevented from running if a 12-year Cumulative Elected Federal Service Term Limit existed. 20% of US Senators have lengthy service records. 8 US Senators have served between 6 and 8 terms, 4 between 4 and 5 Full Article…
Why Is Rule Of Law Important
As discussed in What Is Our Rule Of Law, we gain equality of all citizens before the law, secure a nonarbitrary form of government, and prevent the arbitrary use of power by following a Rule of Law. As American Citizens we must continually be aware of changes or lapses in Our Rule of Law. Since Full Article…
What Is Rule Of Law
A “Rule of Law” is commonly defined as: the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power. The First 10 Amendments of the US Constitution (known as the “Bill of Rights”) provides Full Article…
Why Is Voter ID Important
Article One of the US Constitution makes voting in Federal Elections a right and a privilege for all US Citizens. Under the Constitution each State is responsible for Federal Elections for their Citizens. A number of State and Federal Laws exist to define and manage voter rights, voter registration, and the voting process; including several Full Article…
US Senate Popular Vote Started 1913
America’s Founders built our system of government with State Rights and Citizen Rights to elect Federal Legislators. “Separation of Powers” was included to balance control between the Federal Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Their model was a Democratic Republic, not a Democracy with majority rule. The current Executive Election has Popular Vote and Electoral College. The Full Article…
Federal Public Land Holdings
In 2021 the Federal Government controlled 27.4% of America Public Land (623.3 million acres out of 2.3 billion acres). Federal Public Land Holdings include: 4.63% of the 13 Colonies (9.3 million acres); 4.4% of the States added in the next 50-years (16.3 million acres); but 51.6% of 12 Western States (577 million acres out of Full Article…
What are Term Limits
Term Limits restrict the number of “terms” an office holder may hold office for a specific office. This issue is important to those do not want “career politicians”. Many US Localities and States have Term Limits for a variety of elective offices. Currently, the US Constitution, which pertains to Federal offices, only limits the US Full Article…
What Is A Convention of States (COS)
When the Founders finalized the US Constitution they included in Article V the means to Amend the US Constitution to make improvements and to address future needs… a Convention of States (COS). COS Delegates must meet (convene) to prepare the Amendment language which would then need to be approved (ratified) before becoming part of the Full Article…