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Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals

How to create a social state according to Saul Alinsky: There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important. Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible; poor  Full Article…

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Creeping Communism Warning From 1948

I was just a kid when I first saw this in the 1950s. Please watch the full 9-minute cartoon carefully and count the number of things that have come to pass since then. Note: The cartoon was made in 1948 by John Sutherland for Harding College and was likely funded by either the CIA (which  Full Article…

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What is Communism

Communism is a form of Socialism based on common ownership of business by the State (or Collective), with no social classes and no representative government. The Government (State) is authoritarian in nature and the people have no freedom of speech and very limited rights. In Communism, the State manages the economy and the population top-down,  Full Article…

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