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Covid-19 Response Elements

1) Aggressively Focus only on the At-Risk Population (elderly, comorbidities, immunocompromised). 2) Dispense the best available therapeutics to the At-Risk Population (e.g. low cost, easy to administer treatments that have proven highly effective such as: Vitamin D3, Zinc, Ivermectin (IVM)/Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin/Doxycycline). 3) Remove mandates for vaccinations, masks and social distancing (if someone wishes  Full Article…

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Covid-19 History

California was the first US State to declare a Covid-19 lock-down on March 4, 2020 with reported Covid-19 cases: 3,000 world; 129 US; 53 CA. At that time, there were no diagnostic criteria, pathology, serology, or testing kits to determine if Covid-19 was responsible for cases and deaths. 42 other US States declared lock-downs after  Full Article…

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