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California Leads Nation Legalizing Woke

California’s legislature has passed and will introduce many laws legalizing woke policies, breaking down the family unit and promoting criminality. California State, County and City statutes, regulations, policies and actions support sanctuary, homelessness, 15-minute cities, covid-19 propaganda, radical gender theory, diversity equity inclusion (DEI), reparations, and pedophilia. For example, Senator Scott Weiner’s recent Bills to:  Full Article…

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Radical Gender Theory In California Schools

Strengthen parents’ rights, regulate classroom instruction, and require curriculum transparency. Chris Rufo’s investigative reporting establishes a number of facts pertaining to Radical Gender Theory.  He has published his investigative reporting series on radical gender theory in America’s schools. These stories had a dramatic impact on the national conversation, driving nearly 500 million direct media impressions  Full Article…

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California School Board Equity Policies

Many California Local School Boards began adopting a common policy of “Equity” by 2018. The wording and definition of “Equity” is identical for Local and State Boards in many States. It is not clear how a Local School Board implements their Equity Policy. This is an excerpt from the current California School Board Association (CSBA)  Full Article…

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American Unions in Government

Most Federal, State and Local Government Employees work under some form of Civil Service Agreement that gives them a high-degree of job security (as long as they pass tests and follow rules). However, Government Unions are becoming more prominent to negotiate wages and work rules with Governments on behalf of their Membership (Collective Bargaining). The  Full Article…

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American Civil Service In Government

American Federal, State and Local Civil Service was established to incentivize hiring employees paid by taxpayers, usually at a lower than market rate, after they passed an entrance examination with the expectation to be vested in their position after a probationary period. After vesting, government employees have legal assurance they may keep their job as  Full Article…

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Liberal or Left – What’s The Difference

If you tell the average American you’re a liberal they will assume you’re on the political left. Yet, leftists and liberals hold very different positions on key issues. In this video, Dennis Prager explains how the tenets of liberalism like a belief in capitalism and free speech have more in common with conservatism than with  Full Article…

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Intact Families Helped Make America Great

Two parent families have made a big difference in American upward mobility economically. Since the 1960’s: Black children living in intact families are likely to experience: 60% more college graduation, 3 times less poverty, and 2 times less incarceration (according to Dr. Brad Wilcox in an American Cornerstone Institute WebCon). Some Blacks have experienced greater  Full Article…

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Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals

How to create a social state according to Saul Alinsky: There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important. Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible; poor  Full Article…

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What Influences Woke Capitalism

The managers of businesses who practice “woke capitalism”likely became woke due to their personal views and/or influence from outside political and social justice advocacy groups like BLM. They should also be responsive to requests from their higher management, investors, business partners and key employees to modify or redirect their wokeness.

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