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Covid VAX Considerations

Actual experience has shown Covid-19 is not a deadly disease, it is similar to Influenza. Only the health-compromised and elderly are at risk. Using available treatment therapeutics would have saved millions of lives globally. All current Covid-19 vaccines do more harm than good and their risks exceed their benefits. They do not work for prevention,  Full Article…

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British Riot Act of 1715

At the request of King George, a BRITISH RIOT ACT was passed July 20,1715 to control riots in the Homeland and the Colonies. If 12 our more people were disturbing the peace or in an unlawful assembly a Magistrate could “READ THE RIOT ACT” giving them a period of time to disperse (usually 15-minutes or  Full Article…

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American Government Explained

Our Founders chose a Republic form of government because it was based on the Rule of Law which gave the people power and freedom and restricted the control of government. They knew that on the left (Monarchy, Dictatorship, Socialism, Communism,) there would be a majority of government control and on the right (Anarchy) there would  Full Article…

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The American Form of Government Video

We don’t know who made this video, but they deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor. In 10 minutes the video clearly explains: WHAT the American Government is actually all about, HOW it differs from other choices our Founders could have made, and WHY it is the best choice for our Nation. Please take the time  Full Article…

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Why Is Rule Of Law Important

As discussed in What Is Our Rule Of Law, we gain equality of all citizens before the law, secure a nonarbitrary form of government, and prevent the arbitrary use of power by following a Rule of Law. As American Citizens we must continually be aware of changes or lapses in Our Rule of Law. Since  Full Article…

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What Is Rule Of Law

A “Rule of Law” is commonly defined as: the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power. The First 10 Amendments of the US Constitution (known as the “Bill of Rights”) provides  Full Article…

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