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Climate Change Background

Our research shows that the earth’s climate is not being changed significantly due to mankind. Our findings: 1) Earth is not currently getting warmer due to things mankind is doing. The average global surface temperature and sea level has not changed significantly for 8,000 years (including 1850 to 2000). Since daily temperatures were recorded in  Full Article…

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Covid-19 Facts

1. Covid-19 is not a “Killer Disease”. It is a viral respiratory health condition similar to influenza where high-risk patients (elderly, comorbidities, weak immune) may need significant medical attention. Covid-19 survival rates by age: 0-19 99.997%, 20-49 99.98%, 50-69 99.5%, 70+ 94.6%. Note: The accuracy of RT-PCR tests has been questioned. 2. Current Covid-19 vaccines  Full Article…

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