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Radical Gender Theory In American Schools

Strengthen parents’ rights, regulate classroom instruction, and require curriculum transparency. Chris Rufo’s investigative reporting establishes a number of facts pertaining to Radical Gender Theory.  He has published his investigative reporting series on radical gender theory in America’s schools. These stories had a dramatic impact on the national conversation, driving nearly 500 million direct media impressions  Full Article…

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School Board Equity Policies

Many American Local School Boards began adopting a common policy of “Equity” by 2018. The wording and definition of “Equity” is identical for Local and State Boards in many States. It is not clear how a Local School Board implements their Equity Policy. This is an excerpt from the current California School Board Association (CSBA)  Full Article…

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Intact Families Helped Make America Great

Two parent families have made a big difference in American upward mobility economically. Since the 1960’s: Black children living in intact families are likely to experience: 60% more college graduation, 3 times less poverty, and 2 times less incarceration (according to Dr. Brad Wilcox in an American Cornerstone Institute WebCon). Some Blacks have experienced greater  Full Article…

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